GOOD READS recommended by Pastor Crandell Hemphill.
Should you desire to purchase this book, you may obtain your copy online.
Suggested providers: Christianbook Distributors or Amazon

In THE BIGGEST STORY BIBLE STORYBOOK, Kevin DeYoung takes children and parents on a
Biblical journey through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. His kid-friendly writing demonstrates how all the books of the Bible fit together in telling the redemptive truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The storybook includes powerful and vibrant illustrations by Don Clark. The words and illustrations are designed to facilitate questions and discussion about God’s great love and purpose as spoken in the Bible. Each reading ends with a time for focused prayer. Children, parents, young or older adults alike will be captivated by this storybook. This book does not replace the Bible by any means but can enhance everyone’s understanding of God’s Word and what it means to believe in Jesus and follow Him.

THE BIGGEST STORY – FAMILY DEVOTIONAL is a companion book with THE BIGGEST STORY BIBLE STORYBOOK, also written by Kevin DeYoung and illustrated by Don Clark. God desires all individuals to know, to learn, and to walk with Him daily regardless of age. This devotional
journey is based on the stories found in THE BIGGEST STORY BIBLE STORYBOOK. DeYoung’s devotional includes an overview story, a summary that connects the story pointing you to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and five short readings with questions for discussion. (Each devotional has a QR code for a short video, approximately 4 minutes.) Every devotional ends with prayer. The readings can be a daily devotional or revisited throughout the week allowing different family dynamics the flexibility they need. DeYoung’s devotional is a tool for you to draw yourself and your family into the presence of the Lord. You do not have to own THE BIGGEST STORY BIBLE STORYBOOK to enjoy the blessing of seeking the Lord together as a family (or individual) through this