Women's Ministries

Our women’s ministry exists to plant the word of God deeply in the hearts of women so that the Glory of God in the Gospel of Jesus spreads deep in their lives and affects everything they are and do.
​Our women’s ministry, in addition to weekly Bible Study, holds regularly scheduled fellowship events that are geared towards fostering friendships and creating unity among women. All women at any stage in life are welcome to attend and will find benefit in participating. These opportunities to connect with each other also provide mutual support and encourage spiritual growth. When events are scheduled, the details (time, place, and subject) will be included in the weekly bulletin and church newsletter. It will also be made available on the women’s table in the foyer.
Click on the event to view the details and how to register if necessary.
Contact Info

Tiffany DeBoer (Event Coordinator)
Email: tiffdeboer@gmail.com

Megan Eklund (Bible Study Coordinator)
Email: jm_eklund@hotmail.com